Reorganizing Is An Art

I was pondering on the energy fields in homes and how objects and rooms are linked to our body organs. It sounds peculiar to think our organs have anything to do with rooms in the home, does it? Think about the theory of Feng Shui. The ancient Chinese Taoist geomantic discipline studies how to arrange spaces and objects within our homes to significantly influence our lives. According to this discipline, the position of objects, decorating homes in a certain way, or even building homes facing certain directions are all based on the Earth’s energy, astronomical alignments, sacred geometry and numerology to bring harmony into our living.
In the Western world, undoubtedly the living room is the most lived-in, or the central part of the house. It relates to the stomach which is the centre of our body and therefore relates to life’s changes. In various cultures, the living room might not exist as we intend it in the Western world, perhaps the kitchen is the central part of the home and it works just the same in relation to our stomach.

We all have abundant superfluous stuff that overwhelms us. Reorganizing a room or even the entire home could be a daunting task, I know, I went through that experience with a few clients. The best way to start is to tackle the room that creates anxiety and mental confusion. If the house is cluttered it’s also not clean and family discords often stem from an unkept home.

White sage – Photo: Karly Jones – Unsplash

Begin reorganizing by giving a spiritual cleanse with burning white sage that purifies the room. By doing this practice, every object will take on a new energy. Stay focused, and don’t start with time-consuming objects that will take you down memory lane, like photos, you will end up losing the main objective which is to tidy things up. Reorganizing photos will bring nostalgia, you will look at how fashion was, the hairstyle of a certain year, you will see yourself younger and all that happened in your life that has gone by. The items to be organized, books, clothes, music, papers and so on, represent your past and present, they often hide your desires or needs. Remember why you bought certain objects, do you think you will need them again? The phrase “I might need it again” creates a dependence on a specific object. It happens to women who want to lose weight and keep their wardrobe full of clothes that no longer fit in the hope those extra pounds will go away. You must be convinced a change will occur for real and that you will not return to the same clutter, then you create a future.

Between 1920s and 1930s Baron Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, after extensive research on his studies in the geopathic stress, found links between negative earth energies and diseases. He understood there was a correlation between the position of beds of people who died of cancer and the ‘black streams’ under their homes (decaying matter, burial ground, dirty river or canal, radiation, coal mines, electric power stations, microwave towers, and much more).

My analogy about each room in a home being related to each organ in our body is not one of my creative fantasies. Scholars, researchers, scientists, Feng Sui practitioners, spiritual coaches, numerologists and so many people have found the same connection between home and body.

The bathroom, for example, is a place for relaxation and personal care. It links to our digestive discarding track and how good we feel when the body’s functions are carried out successfully. The bathroom is certainly a room of Water (one of the elements of Feng Shui), which is why objects that recall the element of Fire must be avoided, such as red towels, red objects and red walls. According to Feng Shui, the bathroom must never be adjacent to the kitchen and main entry. To avoid contamination of energies, the head of the bed must not be placed against the wall communicating with the bathroom. These are some examples of how geomantic stress, body organs and rooms of the house are all related.

The message I want to give here is to think of your home as your body. As you nurture, clean and take care of your body and organs, it is important, just as much, to take care of your home, room by room. Ciao,

Copyright © 2024 Valentina Cirasola, All Rights Reserved

Valentina Cirasola is an interior-fashion consultant, author of 6 published books, a storyteller, and a blogger of many years. Her books are non-fictional practical ideas to apply in the home, fashion, cooking and travel.
Get a copy of her books here: Amazon and Barnes&Noble

Glowing With Salt Lamps

Our home is our cocoon, inside of which the work problems vanish behind the door and where we create a soothing atmosphere that will allow us to relax. One element that will help to create that atmosphere is the salt lamp, it glows pleasantly and diffuses a warm light in any room we place it.

I have a few salt lamps scattered in my home and each one contributes to making each room clean, healthy and nicely decorated.

There are a few things we need to keep in consideration about the salt lamps:
how they function and the benefits that will give us.

Some salt lamps have a great theatrical look due to the change of colours; they might range from yellow to pink, red, blue and even purple. Those colourful types have an LED bulb inside that makes all the phantasmagoric colours but doesn’t do anything for us other than having a deceptive appearance as a dream created by our imagination.

The typical bulb we must use is the classic incandescent small Christmas light that once inserted in the salt vessel will diffuse the amber colour we love so much and will give chromotherapeutic benefits as well.

The most important benefits we can draw from salt lamps come from the ions the salt emits. Salt is a crystal, the negative ions are emitted only if an incandescent bulb warms up the salt. The negative ions are then dispersed in the room to provide well-being and harmony, reduce anxieties, alleviate stress, clean the heavy air, fight bacteria and viruses. 

One way to know if the room holds too much humidity is to place a salt lamp in a room and watch the lamp sweat. If it does, you have the proof that the room is humid. In this case, it is time to open all windows and refresh the air. The salt lamp is not a dehumidifier, it will only tell us if the air we breathe is humid. Placing the lamp turned off for a couple of hours outdoors is the way to prevent the lamp from sweating and outdoors it will purify itself from what it has absorbed in the house including negative energy.

I am learning about holistic health and natural remedies from an Italian alchemist who has a page on Facebook called “La Terra Delle Streghe”. I find his teaching stimulating and I am “enchanted” with a new world of information that is opening to me. This is an extract from one of his videos spoken in Italian. Ciao,

Copyright © 2024 Valentina Cirasola, All Rights Reserved

Valentina Cirasola is an interior-fashion consultant, author of 6 published books, a storyteller, and a blogger of many years. Her books are non-fictional practical ideas to apply in the home, fashion, cooking and travel.
Get a copy of her books here: Amazon and Barnes&Noble

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