Fashion In Paradise

Fashion In Paradise was the title of a TV show I produced last week at KMVT 15. I played on words, my guest’s name was Paradiso, an Italian Fashion Designer. His way of working with women and making them beautiful really struck me. He is not a mass producer of fast fashion and he does not employ underage slaves. He works passionately, and his collections are one-of-a-kind spiritual creations.

The fabrics Pietro Paradiso uses are eco-sustainable, they come from different industries; he upcycles, reshapes and re-uses them for a new look. During the show, we enjoyed seeing and learning about a corset made from the leaves of a ficus plant that he shaped for a woman’s body and then painted it in gold.

Another top was made of jute recycled from old-fashioned mattresses when mattresses were filled with the wool of sheep.

“Soul Shirt” is a project he created for women afflicted with breast cancer. He doesn’t let women choose any new dress from his collection and goodbye. If a client suffers from cancer, he gives her seven coloured pencils that relate to each chakra and a mandala to colour. Based on the colours the client chooses, he knows which chakra to balance or heal and knows which colours are the best for that woman to wear, thus a dress or an outfit is created just for her to support her needs. At the end of a project, the client gets the soul t-shirt printed with her colours as a reminder she is a fighter and loved by many.
With the process of colouring a mandala, the client frees herself of all the pains, anger and frustrations deriving from cancer. How many well-known designers do that before selling a dress?

If you like to watch the show, here it is.

Kudos to Maestro Pietro Paradiso for being one-of-a-kind in his trade, for not following all the other designers and for not putting the profits in front of human feelings. He gives beauty back to women suffering from cancer “because living an illness does not mean identifying with it” says maestro Pietro Paradiso. It was refreshing to hear his words; now I am honoured to be in his circle. Ciao,

Copyright © 2024 Valentina Cirasola, All Rights Reserved

Valentina Cirasola is an interior-fashion consultant, author of 6 published books, a storyteller, and a blogger of many years. Her books are non-fictional practical ideas to apply in the home, fashion, cooking and travel.
Get a copy of her books here: Amazon and Barnes&Noble

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